Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Truman Scholarship Yale Phd Programme

Phd Programme Truman Scholarship Yale Yale College at Yale University education Office of Fellowship Programs P.O. Box 208351 New Haven, CT 06520-8351. Physical address: education take a look here at http://www.yale.edu/yalecollege/academics/fellowships/competitions/list/truman/index.html

Phd Programme give your ideas or suggestion about this education topic or support us by submit your tutorial also articles about education and share together with your friends all over the world. This Phd Programme article about truman scholarship yale posted by Ethan, one of our free article writer. Feel free to comment but no SPAM. We hate SPAM and SCAM.

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

PhD Programme RF Position in the Department of Gastroenterology ,India

Purpose of the study: Gastroenterology
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Chandigarh: Industry of employer
Level: Master
Description of Scholarships: Applications are suitable candidates for appointment to the position shown below on a one-year contract called for the 1 April 2011, for community-based project: - The candidates, the parties should send their application and resume to the support documents, the undersigned. Full implementation of all respect must reach the of 28 Signed in March 2011. The Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) Chandigarh was developed in 1960 as a Center of Excellence, the possibilities of teaching in medical education, so many sites look as thought possible and try to train specialists in various disciplines of medicine. It was also envisaged that these specialists would be all over the country in various medical schools and medical facilities and medical training to provide the highest level for students to establish and spread the essence of excellence in their own institutions. The PGIMER was also the responsibility of the horizons of medical knowledge by intensive research to expand the field of health given.

Eligibility: M .S c (Microbiology, Biotechnology, Genetics, Life Sciences)

Scholarship Application Deadline: 28 March 2011.

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

PhD Programme Studentship Migrant histories: local, national and international perspectives

A PhD research studentship to be supervised by the world class migration and ethnicity history team at De Montfort University, is available to suitably qualified UK or EU students only, due to the funding restrictions.

The proposed studentship focuses upon migration to Britain over the past century. Being based upon the city of Leicester, one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the UK, this studentship offers a particular opportunity for locally urban focussed research, examining the experiences of migrants in Leicester, while tying them in with national and international perspectives, situating any research within established social science and historical paradigms. Although Leicester now contains a significant population of South Asian origin, which stands at around 40 per cent, international migration to the city encompassed the entire 20th century so that the city witnessed important streams of Irish, East European and Southern European settlement by the 1970s, which has taken off again in recent decades from the European Union.

We would welcome applications working on the following timely and relevant areas of investigation, all of which offer significant scope for further historical and contemporary research:

Migrants' workplace experiences Caste and class and its importance in the functioning of ethnic communities Inter-ethnic friendships and relationships Transnational links and remittances Migrants' mobilities and migration journeys Migrant communities, material culture and consumption The evolution of ethnic economies

The supervisory team have particular expertise in South Asian and East European migration, but the studentship could research any migrant group and could be comparative in nature. Thus we would welcome applications which focus upon, for instance, the evolution of a South Asian ethnic economy in Leicester since the 1960s or a project which dealt with the importance of all migrants in the evolution of the restaurant trade in Leicester from Greek Cypriots and Italians to Bangladeshis and Gujuratis.

For a more detailed description of the studentship project please visit our web page or contact Anne McLoughlin at amcloughlin@dmu.ac.uk or +44 (0)116 250 6179.

This is one of 28 scholarships funded by DMU in 2011/12 to build on our excellent achievements in the RAE2008 and looking forward to REF2014. It will develop the university's research capacity into new and evolving areas of study, enhancing DMU's national and international research partnerships.

Applications are invited from UK or EU students only, due to the funding restrictions, with a good first degree (First, 2:1 or equivalent) in a relevant subject. Doctoral scholarships are available for up to three years full-time study starting October 2011 and provide a bursary of £13,770pa in addition to University tuition fees.

Applicants should contact Anne McLoughlin at amcloughlin@dmu.ac.uk or +44 (0)116 250 6179 to receive an application pack.

Please quote ref: DMU studentships 2011

Closing Date: Monday 11 April 2011

Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Netherlands Phd Programme Scholarships in Applied Mathematics

TU Delft MSc Research Scholarships in Applied Mathematics

Delft University of Technology. EWI-R&EMS Scholarship
Excellent students accepted to the MSc programma in Applied Mathematics with a research interest in Risk & Environmental Modeling

Numerous scholarships are awarded to TU Delft admitted students with exceptional promise and outstanding academic achievement by specific faculties, departments and industry partners. Consideration for these scholarships requires students to have been admitted to their MSc programme.

Selection criteria

Target group: Master’s degree
Purpose: Study, Research
Field of study: Engineering, Mathematics and computer science
Countries: All
Eligible candidates: Excellent student who indicate in their program application materials that they whish to be considered for this scholarship

Grant Information

Value and purpose of grant: Ranges from partial coverage of tuition fee to full scholarship

Closing date: April 1, 2011
Grant provider: TUD Faculty of Engineeringe, Mathematics and Computer Science
Application procedure: Students should indicate that they wish to be considerd for this scholarship in their programme application materials

